Thursday, January 31, 2013

It's freakin' friday {no. 20}

I hope that you all had a much better week than I did! Do you ever have those days when you feel like nothing you say or do is right? That was my entire week. :( And the worst part is that when I have a bad day, its really hard for me to get out of it. But, I'm starting to cheer up and then I remembered its time to post the party! And this is one of my favorite moments of every week because I know that I am about to make a lot of new changes. And there was one big change this week... just read below!
Now, let's get on to the party...


Requests of the blog hoppity hop:
  • Please, follow me via GFC or RSS feed, when putting your link in the blog hop. Provide the link to your main blog site.
  • Please put my blog hop button somewhere on your blog.
  • And if I feature a blog, please follow that blog as well. Its kind of like a giveaway by joining, and then reward is being featured. So this last one is not required, but its definitely greatly appreciated. 
Make sure to follow your Hostess:
New Button

First, I would like to congratulate
as a new permanent hostess!

    Next, make sure you follow this week's Co-Hostess

    The Real McCoy(s)

    (Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)

    Aloha Friday Blog Hop Ohsoamelia Chubby Cheeks ThinksMeet Me on the BrightsideLet Them Eat Cake

    Wednesday, January 30, 2013

    Musical wednesday {free}

    Did you hear this song when it was on the radio about 6 months to 1 year ago? I actually loved Graffiti6 before that, and I was excited to hear this song played on my car radio. I don't know what made me think of it, but I'm super excited to share it with you!

    Tuesday, January 29, 2013

    My valentine's day wish list

    Valentine's Day is almost here! And it is definitely one of my favorite holidays. I know that it upsets a lot of people or it is a "Hallmark Holiday", but I really don't think there is anything wrong with dedicating an entire day to love. Everyone should give love everyday, but sometimes, we just need a little extra encouragement. 
    I am okay with a special day with my loved one, or with a romantic dinner... even a movie. Dates that remind me of when Alex and I first started dating 3-years ago. But, if he were to get me something as a gift, any of these items would be welcomed with open arms.
    1. Lancome Tresor Midnight Rose Perfume. I received a sample of this perfume over a year ago. I absolutely love perfumes, but I refuse to spend the money on them myself. This one has a really deep, beautiful, romantic smell. 
    2. Studio Petra Azar Heart of Gold Sterling Silver Ring. We actually sell Studio Petra Azar products at the Jewelry store that I work at, and some of her styles are my favorite. I really love the meaning behind her "Heart of Gold" pieces, and I think the ring is my current favorite. 
    3. Tanglerose Sweet American Rose Wine. A few months ago, I hosted a wine tasting party with Traveling Vineyards. (If you like wine, I would definitely look into it!). This particular wine was a hit at the party because everyone liked it. I was upset that I didn't buy myself a bottle... but its never too late to do so!
    4. Urban Decay Naked Pallet. I have been wanting this forever, and I just can't break down and buy it. It would definitely be a great surprise!
    5. The Five-Year Engagement. This is one of my current favorite movies! I'm not going to lie, Alex got annoyed by it the first time we watched it and went to do something else half way through the movie. But, it would definitely be an investment so I can quit renting it from Redbox!     

    Monday, January 28, 2013

    Monday blogg madness {08}

    Hey there everyone! I hope you all had a wonderful weekend (Mine was pretty fun!). I have a couple of great blog posts to share with you today. Make sure to visit these and show them some love, because they're writing some awesome posts!

    Thursday, January 24, 2013

    It's freakin' friday {no. 19}

    Where has the week gone? It's been a pretty long week yet quick week for me. I actually had the first half of my dental root cleaning, which I had been terrified of. Then tonight, I was lucky enough to go to dinner with one of my bestest friends that I hadn't seen in a couple months! So, I apologize... I feel like I am way behind on everything. I promise I will have my game together next week!

    Now, let's get on to the linky party...


    Requests of the blog hoppity hop:
    • Please, follow me via GFC or RSS feed, when putting your link in the blog hop. Provide the link to your main blog site.
    • Please put my blog hop button somewhere on your blog.
    • And if I feature a blog, please follow that blog as well. Its kind of like a giveaway by joining, and then reward is being featured. So this last one is not required, but its definitely greatly appreciated. 
    I completely forgot to select a co-host for 
    this week, so I decided that next week I
    will have two co-hosts!

      (Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)

      Aloha Friday Blog Hop Ohsoamelia Chubby Cheeks ThinksMeet Me on the Brightside

      Tuesday, January 22, 2013

      Stranger danger

      I just have to tell you this crazy thing that happened to me Saturday...

      If you don't know, I work in a jewelry store. And as much as I would like to tell you I have a glamorous job, I don't. I do get to see a lot of romantic people, and here some great stories... generally my job is very uplifting! However, sometimes, I experience things that aren't so amazing.

      While I was at work Saturday, I had kind of a life-changing moment. This guy walks into the store, and as I looked at him, I had a feeling that working with him was being difficult. Whenever I get this feeling, I try to shake it because first impressions are not always right. This particular gentleman came in looking for a piece of jewelry for himself, and he wanted something that would of had to been ordered (if I did find it).

      As I was looking in a catalog for this piece, he began asking me questions. This is a quick summary of the conversation... 

      Him: "Are you married?"
      Me: "No, I am not but I have a serious boyfriend"
      Him: "Why not?"
      Me: "Because we are not to that point yet"
      Him: "I bet he wants to marry you"
      Me: "Well, we just bought a house"
      Him: "Oh, so the next step is for you to have kids"
      Me: "I'm not ready for kids"
      Him: "Why don't you adopt? Or maybe you can have twins"
      Uhh.. hello?! I just said I wasn't ready and you want me to have twins?!
      He asks me a million more questions, and then we get to this one:
      Him: "You're lucky. I wish I had a girlfriend. Do you have any single friends"
      ...Then, my boss finally comes out onto the floor, and this guy's attention switches to him.
      He asks about the photographs on the wall, which are my boss's deceased father and grandfather (both previous owners of the store). This guy was asking where they lived, how they died and even asked "Where are they buried?"

      Just telling you this conversation, it may seem harmless. However, the feeling I had during this entire ordeal was one of those that had me crawling in my skin. It wasn't that I thought this guy was necessarily a predator.. more that he didn't know the difference between wrong and right. I honestly felt as though there was a possibility he would be waiting out back of the store when I got off work.

      It was at that moment that I decided I needed to invest in my safety. At that point, I specifically decided I should get some pepper spray. Not because I felt that I'd have to watch out for this guy 24/7, but because you could be attacked by anyone and anytime. 

      I did some research and here are some suggestions I found online to keep myself safe:

      • Listen to your fears. After all, we are animals and I know my dog knows when something bad is about to happen. You get those feelings for a reason, and you should definitely take them seriously. You can never be too safe. 
      • Keep your personal information confidential. I think that with the rise of social media, it is too easy to let everyone know everything about you. Actually, I think my home address is even posted on my personal Facebook page. And when you're a trusting person, you may spill everything to a total stranger. Filter information until you can trust the people you're conversing with.
      • Be aware of your surroundings. This one is probably the most common. It's important to not get too comfortable, because that is when you let your guard down. Always make sure to lock your doors, for example. 
      • Be confident. By being confident you are portraying yourself as a difficult victim. 
      • Get in shape. Being physically fit means that you are more likely to be able to protect yourself.     
      These are some of the best suggestions I was able to find. Do you have any suggestions on how to keep yourself safe?  
      "7 Simple Ways to Protect Yourself from Rape" Marie Claire
      "How to Protect Yourself from a Stalker" WebMD 
      "How to Protect Yourself from Crime" WebMD 


      I'd like to think i rock

      I am so excited to say that Andrea at Shabby Kitteh awarded me with The Versatile Blogger Award! Andrea was diligent enough to do some research on the reward... I'm going to be lazy and basically copy what she posted. Here's what she found:
      • I'm supposed to thank her for giving me the award... THANK YOU ANDREA!! :)
      • I'm supposed to link to her blog. (see above)
      • I'm supposed to find 15 blogs that I follow regularly and award them with the award.
      • I'm supposed to everyone 7 things about myself.
      Here are 7 things about myself that you may not know:
      1. I have a certificate from the Gemological Institute of America (GIA) as an Accredited Jewelry Professional and I'm currently working towards a certificate in Diamonds & Diamond Grading.
      2. I'm not even 5' tall... 4' 11 1/2", to be exact.
      3. I have a huge obsession with the character Cass from Supernatural.
      4. I've gained a recent obsession to Glee. I've never watched the show before this season.. what was I missing?!
      5. Alex (boyfriend) and I have been together 3 years.
      6. We're not 100% sure what breed our dog is exactly, but we're pretty sure he's a lab/border collie.
      7. I was the best at the original Super MarioKart. The boys at daycare would get sooooo upset.
      Last, but not least, here are the blogs I would like to nominate:
      1. Chloe @ Rainbows & Honeysuckle 
      2. Summer @ Oh Summer Candy 
      3. Dawnelle @ Just Dawnelle 
      4. Brittney @ Beauty by Brittneyd 
      5. Erinn @ Erinn's Beauty Blog 
      Oh Summer CandyJustDawnelle

      Erinn's Beauty Blog

      Monday, January 21, 2013

      Monday blogg madness {07}

      Hey there everyone! I was able to grab a couple more posts than I had last week for this week's feature! I think these are all super fun posts and I really enjoyed all of them. :)

      Sunday, January 20, 2013

      Sunday social

      This week, I decided to link up to Sunday Social, which is fun. I might have to do this every week.

      Sunday Social

      This Week’s Questions: All about 3′s

      Top 3 Favorite Kinds of Food: 
      1)  Soup 2) Steak 3) Breadsticks

      First 3 Things you do in the morning: 
      1) Use the restroom 2) Get a cup of coffee 3) Shower

      Last 3 Things you do at night:
      1) Check out Pinterest 2) Take off my make-up 3) Make sure my alarm is set
      3 TV shows you NEVER miss: 
      1) Glee 2) Two Broke Girls 3) Supernatural

      3 Places you want to visit: 
      1) Costa Rica 2) Anywhere in western Europe 3) Seattle, Washington
      3 People you can always count on: 
      1) Alex 2) My bestest friend Katelyn 3) Myself

      Thursday, January 17, 2013

      It's freakin friday {no. 18}

      How was your week? Mine was pretty good... it actually went by quickly! I can't believe the weekend is almost here!

      Now, let's get on to the linky party...


      Requests of the blog hoppity hop:
      • Please, follow me via GFC or RSS feed, when putting your link in the blog hop. Provide the link to your main blog site.
      • Please put my blog hop button somewhere on your blog.
      • And if I feature a blog, please follow that blog as well. Its kind of like a giveaway by joining, and then reward is being featured. So this last one is not required, but its definitely greatly appreciated. 
      Please make sure to follow
      This week's Co-Host!

      Thirsty World Designs

        (Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)

        Aloha Friday Blog Hop Ohsoamelia Chubby Cheeks ThinksMeet Me on the Brightside


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