Tuesday, May 14, 2013

So very much has changed {flipped upside down}

It has been quite awhile since I posted... months, in fact.
If you recall, things weren't going so well with me. Let me elaborate:

I went through a realization period. You can probably recall the man that I loved and was 
crazy for. I feel like he was quite possibly the love of my life. But, I am changing
as a person. I have had and still will have quite a few changes coming up in my life,
and I came to the realization that him and I were not headed in the same direction.
So, for myself, I left my family. I left the man that had been by my side for the past
three years, my puppy that was like my child, and the house that I called my own.
This was a very difficult time for me. The stress of making this decision was causing
a lot of mental stress. I resisted it for so long that I eventually began having multiple
anxiety attacks a day. If you've never experienced depression or anxiety disorder, 
it is hard to understand the toll that it takes on a person. I was hardly making it through
work, I wasn't going to classes, I wasn't engaging in social activities unless they involved
heavy drinking. It was a dark couple of months. 

But now, everything is much better. I moved out and in with a friend. My ex and I are still on good terms. I am seeing someone new, and he may very well be someone who will be in my life for a long time. I am almost done with my Bachelor's degree and have began job searching. I have never been closer with my friends, and I have even made new friends. The only thing I can complain about now is the fact that I miss my puppy. 

Now that things have started getting better... I knew that it was time to introduce blogging back into my life. Everyday, there are things I cannot help but think of topics to write about. 

It's past by bedtime now, so I think what I will do over the next couple of days is write individual posts on what it going on in my life now. I have pictures and fun information to share with you, but I simply should not do that tonight. 

I have missed all of you. :)

Saturday, March 02, 2013

Friday fabulous

I decided yesterday that since I lost the fight against Casual Friday at work, I will have Fabulous Friday and dress up a little extra special. Makes sense, right? Wear a skirt and some heels... instead of my normal black pants and boots. 

So, here's how I celebrated my first Fabulous Friday: 


Sweater: H&M; No Longer Available
Cami: Forever 21; $4.80 White
Skirt: Express; Old
Tights: George Brand from Wal-Mart; Black Floral

Thursday, February 28, 2013

It's freakin' friday {no. 23}

Let's get the party started!


Requests of the link party:
  • Make sure to follow your hostesses & co-hostess via GFC or RSS feed.
  • When linking up, make sure to post our button in a post or on your page somewhere
  • Make sure to follow other blogs and spread the word. :)
Make sure to follow your Hostess:
New Button

    Next, make sure you follow this week's Co-Hostess

    Keeping Up with Tiffany

    Freakin' Friday

    (Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)
    Aloha Friday Blog Hop Ohsoamelia Chubby Cheeks ThinksMeet Me on the BrightsideLet Them Eat Cake

    Sunday, February 24, 2013

    Pop sugar must have box {february}

    Let me tell you what... I Love February's Must Have box from Pop Sugar! I actually forgot that I should photograph it for you before I ripped into and started using the products. Oops!

    There are actually only a handful of products that really made this worth it to me...

    • Connoisseurs Quick Jewelry Cleanser/$6: I'm going to be perfectly honest... I completely disregarded this product because I work in a jewelry store. I'll probably give it away to someone.
    • MarieBelle New York's Trésor Box/NA: I actually haven't tried these yet... but I'm pretty excited to! Who wouldn't be excited about chocolate?!
    • Safe Haven by Nicholas Sparks/Approx. $7: I don't really read, so I will probably give this book away too. But there is a free song download with it... so I am sure I will use that!
    • Sweethearts Conversation Hearts/NA: Can you say YUMMY?!
    • White Spa Wrap by Brokedown (And 15% off coupon)/$84: I have never had any desire to have something like this... I'm not going to lie to you. But now that I have it, I love it! I put it on every morning after drying myself off in the shower. Its a little big, so I still tuck in the corner after velcro... but it works much better than trying to keep a towel on. 
    • Diva Blue Rolled Signature Lace Original Rise Thong by Hanky Panky $20: I actually love this... especially considering its a one-size fits all! They're really comfortable and I never have any lines showing when I wear these. Everything you want in a good thong.
    • Honey Just Bitten Lip Stain by Revlon/$7.49: I was so excited to see this in my box! I have been wanting to try this and just couldn't bring myself to buy it. Its long lasting and slightly creamy and I just love it. The color "honey" is already a great color that I would have chosen for myself also.
    Total Cost: A minimum of $124.49
    Total Savings:  $89.49

    They also have a referral program, that I would be crazy not to tell you about. When 2 friends use my referral link to sign up, I will receive 1 month free. Then 5 Friends = 3 Months Free; 10 Friends = 6 Months Free.

    Enter REFER5 into the coupon code box to receive $5 off your first box!

    Thursday, February 21, 2013

    It's freakin' friday {no. 22}

    I apologize for my absence last week... But, like I mentioned before, I am back in action and will never leave you all again. :) So, we're back up and at 'em!

    Let's get the party started!


    Requests of the link party:
    • Make sure to follow your hostesses & co-hostess via GFC or RSS feed.
    • When linking up, make sure to post our button in a post or on your page somewhere
    • Make sure to follow other blogs and spread the word. :)
    Make sure to follow your Hostess:
    New Button

      Next, make sure you follow this week's Co-Hostess

      Amber & Scott

      Freakin' Friday

      (Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)

      Aloha Friday Blog Hop Ohsoamelia Chubby Cheeks ThinksMeet Me on the BrightsideLet Them Eat Cake

      Wednesday, February 20, 2013

      Musical wednesday {the trick is to keep breathing}

      You know, this week still hasn't been any better. But I'm just going to force myself to keep up with my responsibilities. It's all I can do, right? Laying in bed and neglecting everything going on around me is going to get me know where. So, this morning... of course, Pandora came to the rescue. "The Trick is to Keep Breathing" by Garbage is the song I selected to share to you because it basically describes how I feel right now.

      Monday, February 18, 2013

      My apology to my beloved readers

      I am a horrible blogger... I haven't written anything in over a week. But I have good reason... I promise.

      In case you couldn't tell by my "How did you know you were in love?" post, I am really questioning my relationship right now. Things just haven't been good and I have been unhappy for awhile now. I'm not sure what the source of all of this is. Is it because I really am unhappy? Am I bored? Am I having a quarter-life crisis? Where is this coming from???

      I actually stayed with a friend for a few days last week, to just try to get away. And then Valentine's Day was rough. He had flowers delivered to my work. And he made sure they were potted flowers so they "wouldn't die" because I told him that's why I didn't want cut flowers. Needless to say, I cried... at work. Then I came home after, instead of going to my friends, and have been home all weekend.

      But I still feel that emptiness.

      I don't know what to do.

      I'm sitting at home right now, as I type this. But I will probably be going back to my friend's tomorrow.

      And besides me not being 100% sure why I am unhappy (I can give you reasons, but I don't know why I am feeling these feelings now... after 3 years)... there are some complications with us breaking up. I can stay with my friend for as long as I want, but pretty much all of the furniture in our house is mine. I would leave him with nothing but an empty house. And as long as I'm staying with her, I can't take all of my stuff... just enough to fill a bedroom. I really can't afford a place of my own... and he can't afford the house by himself (the house we bought together, but is in his name).

      I would love to have your advice, because I am at a loss. I'm so confused.

      Thursday, February 07, 2013

      It's freakin' friday {no. 21}

      Let's get on to the party...


      Requests of the blog hoppity hop:
      • Make sure to follow your hostesses & co-hostess via GFC or RSS feed.
      • When linking up, make sure to post our button in a post or on your page somewhere
      • Make sure to follow other blogs and spread the word. :)
      Make sure to follow your Hostess:
      New Button

        Next, make sure you follow this week's Co-Hostess

        This Life's Beautiful Moments

        This Life's Beautiful Moments

        Freakin' Friday

        (Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)

        Aloha Friday Blog Hop Ohsoamelia Chubby Cheeks ThinksMeet Me on the BrightsideLet Them Eat Cake


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