Thursday, January 31, 2013

It's freakin' friday {no. 20}

I hope that you all had a much better week than I did! Do you ever have those days when you feel like nothing you say or do is right? That was my entire week. :( And the worst part is that when I have a bad day, its really hard for me to get out of it. But, I'm starting to cheer up and then I remembered its time to post the party! And this is one of my favorite moments of every week because I know that I am about to make a lot of new changes. And there was one big change this week... just read below!
Now, let's get on to the party...


Requests of the blog hoppity hop:
  • Please, follow me via GFC or RSS feed, when putting your link in the blog hop. Provide the link to your main blog site.
  • Please put my blog hop button somewhere on your blog.
  • And if I feature a blog, please follow that blog as well. Its kind of like a giveaway by joining, and then reward is being featured. So this last one is not required, but its definitely greatly appreciated. 
Make sure to follow your Hostess:
New Button

First, I would like to congratulate
as a new permanent hostess!

    Next, make sure you follow this week's Co-Hostess

    The Real McCoy(s)

    Aloha Friday Blog Hop Ohsoamelia Chubby Cheeks ThinksMeet Me on the BrightsideLet Them Eat Cake


    1. Thank you for allowing me to be a co-host this week!

    2. Happy Freakin' Friday!! I love saying that every week :)


    3. Just joined the blog hop! Thanks so much for hosting :) Have a wonderful weekend!

      Diary of a Debutante



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